SIAP DIMAHARKAN MUMI , JENGLOT , WESI KUNING , B.MERAH DELIMA , BARANG ANTIK DAN MISTIK KHUSUS UNTUK PILPRES / PILGUB / PILBUP dll . HUB : CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , DANIEL LEMA 085337513999 , TUAN GURU PANCOR 082237363574 , RONI PAREIRA 081339586551 , HAJI NUEL 082341626824 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , AZEEZ +6282145726372 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , YAMIN MOSSAD 082147510377 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , LEO ASHARI 082145596691 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , OMPET +6281337787607 , OMICKY 081353812402 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 081338535910 , RONAL 082145664724 , CORNELIS MANOE 081339001754 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
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כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Status Indonesia: TERBONGKARNYA POLRI BERSEKONGKOL DENGAN MEGAWATI &...: Yosfiah: Kapolri Jenderal Sutarman Temui Megawati Letnan Jenderal TNI (Purn) Muhammad Yunus Yosfiah mengatakan, beberapa jam setelah p...
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Istri Munir Anggap Jokowi Ingkar Janji... Lah Kok Baru Tahu?

Presiden terpilih Joko Widodo (Jokowi), kemarin, Senin (12/8) menunjuk
Mantan Kepala Badan Intelijen Nasional (BIN) AM Hendropriyono menjadi
salah satu penasihat Tim Transisi.
Namun, diangkatnya Hendropriyono ini menuai reaksi dari istri pegiat HAM Alm. Munir Said Thalib, Suciwati.
Menurut, Suciwati pemilihan AM Hendropriyono sebagai penasihat Tim
Transisi bertentangan dengan visi dan misinya selama kampanye dan debat
Suciwati menyampaikan kekecewaannya melalui media sosial Twitter. Selain
kepada Jokowi-JK, dia juga bertanya ke Deputi Tim Transisi Anies
Baswedan dan Anggota Tim 11 Teten Masduki.
"Knp @jokowi_do2 prlu nasehat intelijens dr hendropriyono utk tim
transisi? Apa signifikansinya utk kabinet? @aniesbaswedan @tmasduki,"
twit pertamanya.
"Siang pak @jokowi_do2 & @Pak_JK saya mau mengingatkan visi misi
anda ketika kampanye kmrn ttg penegakan dan menyelesaikan pel.ham masa
lalu," lanjutnya.
Ingkar janji?
Dia meminta penjelasan atas pengangkatan Hedropriyono kepada Gubernur DKI Jakarta ini. Sebab
ini berbanding terbalik dengan rencana
Jokowi-JK mengungkap pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia. Bahkan Suci
menanyakan, apakah pemilihan ini sebagai bentuk pengingkaran janji?
"Apakah ini bukan pengingkaran anda thd visi misi anda sendiri?
@jokowi_do2 @Pak_JK #hendrotimpenasehatprediden," ujarnya. "Apakah anda
tdk cukup pede unt mjd predisen dan wapres jika tidak bersama pelaku
pel.ham? @jokowi_do2 @Pak_JK #hendrojdtimpenasehat."
"Apakah agenda ham sll dikorbankan unt kpentingan yg sesaat sementara
ini adl hal yg paling mendasar? @jokowi_do2 @Pak_JK
#hendrotimpenasehat," ungkap Suciwati kecewa terhadap Jokowi.
Istri korban pembunuhan dalam pesawat jurusan ke Amsterdam pada 7
September 2004 ini mengharapkan, Jokowi-JK tidak perlu takut menegakkan
HAM. Sebab mantan Walikota Solo ini adalah pemimpin yang murni dipilih
oleh rakyat.
Jokowi-JK mengungkap pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia. Bahkan Suci
menanyakan, apakah pemilihan ini sebagai bentuk pengingkaran janji?
"Apakah ini bukan pengingkaran anda thd visi misi anda sendiri?
@jokowi_do2 @Pak_JK #hendrotimpenasehatprediden," ujarnya. "Apakah anda
tdk cukup pede unt mjd predisen dan wapres jika tidak bersama pelaku
pel.ham? @jokowi_do2 @Pak_JK #hendrojdtimpenasehat."
"Apakah agenda ham sll dikorbankan unt kpentingan yg sesaat sementara
ini adl hal yg paling mendasar? @jokowi_do2 @Pak_JK
#hendrotimpenasehat," ungkap Suciwati kecewa terhadap Jokowi.
Istri korban pembunuhan dalam pesawat jurusan ke Amsterdam pada 7
September 2004 ini mengharapkan, Jokowi-JK tidak perlu takut menegakkan
HAM. Sebab mantan Walikota Solo ini adalah pemimpin yang murni dipilih
oleh rakyat.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Michio Kaku - Alien Life
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo
Subianto alleged Friday there had "been quite massive incidences" of
fraud in general elections, which he said might prevent him from winning
the most divisive polls in the fragile democracy's history.
The Suharto-era general has been claiming to be ahead in the vote count, whose official results will be announced next week.
in an interview with The Associated Press, Subianto for the first time
suggested he might lose to his challenger, former Jakarta governor Joko
Widodo, due to voting fraud.
"Half of the Indonesian people support me," he said. "In my conviction, is it more than half, if there is no cheating."
reputable organizations have carried out "quick count" of a sample of
the votes that show Widodo with a small but decisive lead. The quick
counts have accurately forecast past regional and national elections in
Indonesia, and independent analysts say there is no reason to think
otherwise this time.
Subianto's insistence that he was on course
for victory, and his allegations of fraud, have led to speculation in
some quarters that the superrich candidate might be trying to himself
fix the results or will refuse to concede. That would put pressure on
the country's democratic institutions and could possibly lead to
The 63-year-old said he may well challenge the result in
the Constitutional Court because of the alleged vote fraud. The court,
whose past chief justice is serving a life sentence for accepting a
bribe to rule in favor of a plaintiff in a regional election dispute,
has two weeks to rule.
"We will see, if there is indication and
evidence of massive fraud and massive and systematic cheating, then we
will not accept the result," he said.
He gave no details behind his allegations.
bid was backed by a coalition of the country's' largest political
parties, though he acknowledged the parties might switch to Widodo.
Political parties in Indonesia are vehicles to get power and the spoils
that come with it, meaning that they often jump to the winning side in
an election.
"Whatever will be, will be," he said. "Coalitions are created, coalitions are ended. Even in a marriage, you can get divorced."
known by his nickname Jokowi, declared victory hours after the July 9
polls based on the quick counts, but has put off any celebration or
transition planning until the official count in the sprawling country of
260 million people is announced on July 22.
Widodo is a former
furniture exporter with a vastly different pedigree to past Indonesian
leaders, who have mostly been drawn from the country's business and
military elite. He rose from political obscurity because of his
reputation for good governance and concern for the poor. His supporters
also include members of the elite, but he is nevertheless promising a
new kind of leadership in the world's most populous Muslim nation.
#lawankecurangan #rakyatbergerak #pilpresBELUMBERES ,
#dukungboikotMETROtv , #syuradikaraende95fraternity , Website Resmi
Kampanye #DukungPrabowoHatta untuk #SelamatkanIndonesia
Subianto alleged Friday there had "been quite massive incidences" of
fraud in general elections, which he said might prevent him from winning
the most divisive polls in the fragile democracy's history.
The Suharto-era general has been claiming to be ahead in the vote count, whose official results will be announced next week.
in an interview with The Associated Press, Subianto for the first time
suggested he might lose to his challenger, former Jakarta governor Joko
Widodo, due to voting fraud.
"Half of the Indonesian people support me," he said. "In my conviction, is it more than half, if there is no cheating."
reputable organizations have carried out "quick count" of a sample of
the votes that show Widodo with a small but decisive lead. The quick
counts have accurately forecast past regional and national elections in
Indonesia, and independent analysts say there is no reason to think
otherwise this time.
Subianto's insistence that he was on course
for victory, and his allegations of fraud, have led to speculation in
some quarters that the superrich candidate might be trying to himself
fix the results or will refuse to concede. That would put pressure on
the country's democratic institutions and could possibly lead to
The 63-year-old said he may well challenge the result in
the Constitutional Court because of the alleged vote fraud. The court,
whose past chief justice is serving a life sentence for accepting a
bribe to rule in favor of a plaintiff in a regional election dispute,
has two weeks to rule.
"We will see, if there is indication and
evidence of massive fraud and massive and systematic cheating, then we
will not accept the result," he said.
He gave no details behind his allegations.
bid was backed by a coalition of the country's' largest political
parties, though he acknowledged the parties might switch to Widodo.
Political parties in Indonesia are vehicles to get power and the spoils
that come with it, meaning that they often jump to the winning side in
an election.
"Whatever will be, will be," he said. "Coalitions are created, coalitions are ended. Even in a marriage, you can get divorced."
known by his nickname Jokowi, declared victory hours after the July 9
polls based on the quick counts, but has put off any celebration or
transition planning until the official count in the sprawling country of
260 million people is announced on July 22.
Widodo is a former
furniture exporter with a vastly different pedigree to past Indonesian
leaders, who have mostly been drawn from the country's business and
military elite. He rose from political obscurity because of his
reputation for good governance and concern for the poor. His supporters
also include members of the elite, but he is nevertheless promising a
new kind of leadership in the world's most populous Muslim nation.
#lawankecurangan #rakyatbergerak #pilpresBELUMBERES ,
#dukungboikotMETROtv , #syuradikaraende95fraternity , Website Resmi
Kampanye #DukungPrabowoHatta untuk #SelamatkanIndonesia
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